On display permanently: The Bubble

The Bubble is an algorithmic artwork with 700+ photographs I made based on conversations with students. I worked on it in collaboration with cognition- and datascientist Robin van Emden and 80 students of The Hague University of Applied Sciences.
A text by curator and researcher Jelle Bouwhuis is available at the location of the work
Also part of the art collection of The Hague University of Applied Sciences, works by a.o.:
Hans Aarsman, Jan Adriaans, Stephan Balkenhol , Hans van Bentem, Annemarie Bleeker,
Anton Corbijn , Stéphane Couturier , Wijnanda Deroo,Elspeth Diederix , Michel François,
Andreas Gursky , John Hilliard , Teun Hocks , Bertien van Manen , Hans van der Meer,
Liza May Post , Lon Robbé , Roland Schimmel , Beat Streuli , Henk Tas and Mette Tronvoli,
Lawrence Weiner and Maarten Wetsema.
The Bubble is on display permanently as of today, during opening times of the building
The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Johanna Westerdijkplein 75
2521 EN The Hague, The Netherlands.