IMG_ book with Kehrer. Work in progress #01
I really appreciate the books of Kehrer Verlag. They make photobooks with a lot of love for photography and respect for the maker. They also have a very good distribution network. So the first publisher I thought of for my next book, was Kehrer. My favorite photobook desginer Sybren Kuiper brought us together at Unseen 2013. Here Klaus Kehrer agreed on publishing a book of IMG_.
I am preparing a solo show of IMG_ at Streetlevel Photoworks, Glasgow with director of Streetlevel, Malcolm Dickson. This show will be part of Glasgow International Festival.
During this show the book will be presented.
Picture above: First meeting at Unseen Amsterdam. From left to right: Malcolm Dickson, director of Streetlevel Photoworks, Klaus Kehrer, director of Kehrer Verlag, Sybren Kuiper, designer and Johan Nieuwenhuize.
Malcolm Dickson is inspecting the first book of IMG_ published by Contentement.