Berndnaut Smilde in The Hague

This month artist Berndnaut Smilde has made a new Nimbus work in the “Handelingenkamer” of The House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer).
For a brief moment a real cloud was hanging in the room. He then photographed it. The result is a beautiful and surreal photowork.
The work is part of the design and art exhibition “MC’s Mindgames” and can be seen at Lange Voorhout 78 in The Hague.
Mary Hessing, curator of MC’s Mindgames, asked me to photograph the installation of the photowork.
It is great to see the work of Smilde again. While being curator of Platform57 in 2012 I invited artist Berndnaut Smilde for an exhibition and a public programme focussing on his work. On our location he made the work “Nimbus Platform57”.
Back then he was already getting succesful with his Nimbus works. In recent years Berndnaut has been making clouds for his Nimbus series in various countries around the world, can be seen in The Hague again.
More on the work of Berdnaut Smilde can be found on his website:
Other presentations in the exhibtion: Alissa + Nienke, Grietje Scheper, Teun Zwets, Leon de Bruijne & Willem van Doorn and Iris Toonen
Find the full programme of MC’s Mindgames here:
Berndnaut Smilde
Nimbus Handelingenkamer, 2023
Foto: Cassander Eeftinck Schattenkerk